Thursday, October 23, 2008

Step INTO your zone

I had the privilege this week of traveling to New Zealand on the Health Seminar, where I met a woman named Angela in the ladies room. Yes sometimes our most inspirational moments come when we least expect them. New to USANA Angela gave me an “ah ah “ moment as I like to call them.

As we chatted, Angela talked about her comfort zone. Yes I know this is a familiar story but she had a different take on this. So often we are told to step out of our comfort zone. Angela felt that in the first few months of joining USANA she was stepping into her comfort zone.

“We are told that we need to challenge ourselves and step OUT of our comfort zone, but with USANA I feel like I’ve stepped INTO my comfort zone. I’ve ALWAYS thrived on meeting and helping people – I am a born networker - but until now I had no vehicle! USANA is driving me to achieve my dreams, and I’m going to pick up as many passengers as I can along the way.”
- Angela Morris

Angela feels she belongs. She has come home to a place where she feels totally comfortable and happy to be. How privileged are those that find a place that they feel secure happy and most of all fulfilled? USANA provides that haven for Associates and employees who enjoy a focus on health and wellbeing, balance and optimism.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Just Say Yes!

I am constantly amazed that when you say YES to something that seems quite small and insignificant, it can lead to incredible experiences and the opening of many more doors.

Collette Larsen reminded us of the power of the three words, "Just say YES!"

When I said YES to a simple challenge of raising $800 for charity I had no idea that it would lead to running five half marathons in one year. I had no idea that it would lead to a whole new outlook on life, meeting new people, making special friendships, and the fabulous opportunity of doing the final half marathon lap in the famous Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG).

The half marathon I ran on Sunday 5 October was an opportunity for me to achieve a unique "personal best". This was a personal best not for my fastest time but for my slowest.

I feel proud to say my fifth half marathon was my slowest and took the longest time. Why? You would think that I would get faster. That's true. But sometimes just saying YES involves changing your perspective and goals.

I changed my perspective and slowed down to help another achieve their "personal best". My goal was to ensure that my friend and team mate made it across the line. My friend had said YES to running a half marathon, only eight weeks after major surgery for cancer!

Would you have said YES? How many times have you said "no" because you weren’t sure where it would take you? How many times have you said "no" because you were frightened, cautious and just plain terrified?

Say YES today when you are tempted to say no and see where it takes you. You might be surprised.


Sunday, October 12, 2008

The Power and the Passion

I was at a cycle class recently, when Midnight Oil's song "The Power and the Passion" was played. "Oh the power and the passion / Oh the temper of the time / Oh the power and the passion / Sometimes you've got to take the hardest line." Not only was it a good song to cycle to, it reminded me of the compensation plan enhancement. (Yes, I'm addicted to USANA!)

With the new and improved compensation plan, USANA gives you the power. It gives you a new reason to move forward. This power will be of no use if you don't use your passion to talk to people and explain the great new ways to earn income.

I know you have all been working hard and 'cycling' fast with the recent enhancements and promotions. We even have many who have taken on the 12-week RESET Challenge. All the activity over the last few weeks reminds me a little of the RESET program.

The 5 day Jump Start is like the re-qualification period. It promotes activity and gets you moving. Now the real results lie in the maintenance phase (i.e. Phase 1 Maintain). Keep the momentum going, keep true to the program and help your new Associates get to Platinum. Then it's easy to move to Phase 2 Transform - and you all benefit from the long term changes!

Keep moving and use the power and your passion to change people lives.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

The far reaching benefits of USANA

I am constantly inspired by the far reaching benefits of USANA. There are so many ripple effects for both Associates and employees.

Here at USANA we are working alongside our Associates in the 12-week RESET Group Challenge. We have staff teams across all departments, each with a team leader. I have been made a leader of one such team. My team did not have a natural passion or keenness for exercise. However, they were passionate to participate and get started. We started slowly by walking together at lunch time. This was a great chance for colleagues to chat, who don’t usually interact on a daily basis.

As part of the week two RESET challenge, we had to come up with a "Planned Training Schedule" for our team. We decided we would aim to 'run the walk' by the end of the Challenge. As you may know, I'm passionate about exercise. I love it! But I also appreciate that not everyone loves it like I do (my husband is one of those!) The walk does not feel like exercise, it’s a time to be social and chit chat. One team member was so inspired, she entered a local Fun Run for the first time ever and completed a 4km walk!

Changing Lives is both rewarding and fun ---- but most of all, it makes a difference.