Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Paris Marathon - Crossing the Finish Line

Thank you all so much for your support of my goal to run a marathon in Paris.

Running the Paris Marathon has been a huge goal for me; one that has been in the back of my mind for over 10 years. Why did I leave this goal for so long? I do not know. But I do know that I wish I had decided years ago to do it. I'm sure it would have been much easier to run a marathon at the age of 40 rather than close to 50!

I challenge you to consider what goals you have been storing away, putting off until the right moment. I can tell you that right moment will never come, when are all the traffic lights on green!

Decide what your goal is, however huge, and put a plan in place to achieve it.

I have loved every minute of achieving this long time ambition – from the cold and dark early starts, running in the rain, and the sheer exhaustion after some of the long runs. It has taken me on a journey I never thought possible. At first I believed running a marathon was all about running. Rather, it has been about the challenges I have faced, the opportunities I have seized, and most importantly the team I have trained with, one of whom completed the marathon with me.

Many have asked, what time did I want to do?

It was never about the time. I wanted to run in front of the ambulance (not in it) and complete the marathon before they removed the bollards. To cross the line – was my single focus – whatever it took!

In Paris, France, on Sunday April 5th at 8.45am I crossed the starting line. In my mind the marathon was complete. The 42.195km ( it’s all about the last “point 195”) was the path before me - all I had to do was stay in the race.

Throughout the 5 hours and 12 minutes many thoughts and emotions merged, most of which I cannot share, but as I saw my family at the finish line – I was overcome with emotion – an experience that I will remember for as long as I live.

Was it worth the two year investment? Yes, every second of every minute.

Don’t put your goals off until tomorrow… know the story – enjoy the rewards today!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

How BIG is your goal for 2009?

I don’t know about you but I have spent many a New Year setting goals. These days, I have learnt to write my goals down for a better success rate.

At USANA we have Commitment Cards. When you make a commitment or set your goal, you write down a ‘consequence’ or penalty if you don’t achieve that goal. We all need someone to hold us accountable and remind us of why we wanted to achieve the goal in the first place.

Over the years I have set myself some rather big goals, but none as big as this year’s goal – to run a Marathon in Paris! Yes it’s a long way – yes it’s a big time commitment – yes it’s hard – and yes it’s in Paris. What has made this goal so big? The cost of two airline tickets (my husband will coach me from the sidelines), the time and the commitment.

Why is it when you set yourself a goal, hurdles seem to appear from nowhere? Injuries I’ve never heard of began to plague me. My physio therapist suggested I take a few weeks off. Time off is something I can’t afford when I only have three months left to prepare. My GP even recommended I give up running.

How many times have people advised you to stick to your real job? Or told you, you’ll never make a success of this. Or asked, why are you doing network marketing? Yes, I’m sure you’ve heard that once or twice. I even heard it from my Mum, of all people, back in the early nineties when I started my business.

So what keeps us connected to our goal? What keeps me on track for 42.1kms in Paris? Well, I believe it’s the SIZE of the goal and the REAL consequence of giving up.

I’m on track. I jumped the hurdles. I had to take a different approach to training, teaching myself to swim long distance. And now with 60 days to go – I will run a marathon in Paris – I will cross the line in front of the ambulance and before they remove the bollards!

So, how big is your goal for 2009? Is it big enough? Does it have a consequence that you can hold yourself accountable for? Are you prepared to jump the hurdles and ignore “professional” advice?

If it’s not big enough, then make your goal bigger. Attend Celebration 2009 in Sydney and be inspired to commit to bigger goals than you thought possible. Jump bigger hurdles – it will set you free.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Stop and Smell the Roses

As I head off on a three week vacation with my family, I reflect on the concept of being able to stop and smell the roses on the way. It's time to slow down, enjoy the journey and reflect on our health.

How lucky are we to be able to enjoy great health which in turn enables us to enjoy this great journey.

Without my health I wouldn’t be travelling overseas. No amount of money could enable me to travel if I was sick.

Good health is not only a result of following a healthy diet, regular exercise and taking high quality nutritional supplements. Good health is also about achieving balance in our lives – which means to work, rest and play.

This time of year can be very stressful. I spoke to a friend this week, who tells me she is working ridiculous hours, has a daughter in her final year at school and is feeling the weight of stress.

I encourage you to take time for yourself, look after your health, play, and enjoy spending time with family and friends. Have fun and find your balance, so you can feel refreshed, revitalised and full of passion for what you do.

This may be my final blog for 2008 – but watch out for photos of my trip - it's a family vacation in South Africa and I intend to swim at the top of Victoria Falls!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Who Is On Your Team?

I've been reminded this week of the great benefits of teamwork. It's been an amazing week entertaining our Gold Directors at the New Gold Director Seminar. As I watched my corporate team work together, I felt a glow of pride to be surrounded by so many special people. It is truly a privilege to work with people who are all share the same vision.

We all have the opportunity to surround ourselves with special people who enrich our lives, have fun and share the success as we move towards a common goal.

Who are you surrounded by? Who is on your team?

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

How do you face a challenge?

The sustainability of the high performance business has never been so important. The current financial crisis will test our stamina to perform but there are opportunities in every crisis. While attending a business breakfast this week, I had an insight I wanted to share with you. But first the question – how do you face a challenge? Do you view it as your glass half full or half empty?

My marathon training started on Tuesday this week. Faced with injuries, a rising temperature and rain; I could have bailed. But I chose to look at my glass half full and be grateful that I could go to training, still run, get wet and enjoy it!

What opportunities are you facing in this financial crisis? Are you offering to make a difference to peoples’ financial state? I want to let you in on a secret – USANA are hiring not firing. We offer a stable business opportunity based on growth. We offer an opportunity to focus on maintaining optimal health at a time when this becomes even more critical. I don’t know about you but in such times of economic crisis, I’m excited to be here with USANA - in the right place at the right time.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Inspired by the Spirit of Others

I watched a great movie last night and felt inspired by the passion in people who set out to do something extraordinary, such as running a marathon. What gives me even greater inspiration is seeing the effect we have on each other daily, as we go about our normal life.

Touching peoples lives is often about leading the way and walking (or running) the talk with passion.

The Reset Challenge has been embraced by many here at USANA corporate. I am thrilled to see the passion of individuals and the effect on team morale. Teams across departments are focused on exercising together and supporting each other in their achievements.

During this time, I loaned a book (about running, of course) to a Reset Challenge team member. She was so inspired by what she read; she has joined a local charitable organisation to do a 2.7km ocean swim in January 2009. On hearing this, another team member tried to join her, but the ocean swim was fully booked. Not letting it go at that, she was placed on a wait list and this week received a call. She too will do a similar ocean swim in February 2009. Both women are excited to be participating and raising money for a worthwhile cause.

Two more staff are now running at lunch time. They started walking the two and half kilometres around the suburb and are now up to running over half of it.

There is something very special at seeing others take up a cause, a challenge, a passion, and an interest. It has given me reason to look within and ask myself, "How am I leading by example? Am I sharing my passion and igniting others? Does it help or hinder peoples lives?"

Something to think about...

Monday, November 3, 2008

Realising Dreams

Just recently, I was privileged to spend a day on Bill Duncan’s (USANA Executive Vice President of Australasia) boat, Mentor, cruising the beautiful Sydney Harbour. It was a day to reflect and recuperate after 10 busy days of travelling with USANA Health Seminar.

Once again, I was reminded of the need for balance in our lives.
Glamorous as it sounds, travelling can be hard on the body and increases our need for high quality supplementation.

I spent time in many different cities with a variety of climate changes. My days went from wet to very cold, to very hot on the Gold Coast.

Many plane rides later and lots of Proflavanol 90, I was left in need of some Vitamin D from the spring sunshine and fresh open air.

Tim Wood (USANA Executive Vice President of Research & Development) and I were treated to a glorious day on Bill's boat, Mentor. Bill has been planning for this boat ever since I joined USANA. It was a treat to see his hard work rewarded. Bill not only worked hard to achieve his goal, he now gets satisfaction from sharing it with others.

Working hard for a goal and then realising your dream gives you the inner glow of peace, a job well done and fulfillment. As you plan your goals think about how you can "pay them forward" as well.