Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Paris Marathon - Crossing the Finish Line

Thank you all so much for your support of my goal to run a marathon in Paris.

Running the Paris Marathon has been a huge goal for me; one that has been in the back of my mind for over 10 years. Why did I leave this goal for so long? I do not know. But I do know that I wish I had decided years ago to do it. I'm sure it would have been much easier to run a marathon at the age of 40 rather than close to 50!

I challenge you to consider what goals you have been storing away, putting off until the right moment. I can tell you that right moment will never come, when are all the traffic lights on green!

Decide what your goal is, however huge, and put a plan in place to achieve it.

I have loved every minute of achieving this long time ambition – from the cold and dark early starts, running in the rain, and the sheer exhaustion after some of the long runs. It has taken me on a journey I never thought possible. At first I believed running a marathon was all about running. Rather, it has been about the challenges I have faced, the opportunities I have seized, and most importantly the team I have trained with, one of whom completed the marathon with me.

Many have asked, what time did I want to do?

It was never about the time. I wanted to run in front of the ambulance (not in it) and complete the marathon before they removed the bollards. To cross the line – was my single focus – whatever it took!

In Paris, France, on Sunday April 5th at 8.45am I crossed the starting line. In my mind the marathon was complete. The 42.195km ( it’s all about the last “point 195”) was the path before me - all I had to do was stay in the race.

Throughout the 5 hours and 12 minutes many thoughts and emotions merged, most of which I cannot share, but as I saw my family at the finish line – I was overcome with emotion – an experience that I will remember for as long as I live.

Was it worth the two year investment? Yes, every second of every minute.

Don’t put your goals off until tomorrow… know the story – enjoy the rewards today!

1 comment:

Sue Neal said...

Congratulations Gill! You've achieved a HUGE goal, both physically and emotionally.
Enjoy the recovery! Eat lots of Chocolate Fusion bars!
Well done,
Sue Neal
Nelson NZ