Wednesday, November 19, 2008

How do you face a challenge?

The sustainability of the high performance business has never been so important. The current financial crisis will test our stamina to perform but there are opportunities in every crisis. While attending a business breakfast this week, I had an insight I wanted to share with you. But first the question – how do you face a challenge? Do you view it as your glass half full or half empty?

My marathon training started on Tuesday this week. Faced with injuries, a rising temperature and rain; I could have bailed. But I chose to look at my glass half full and be grateful that I could go to training, still run, get wet and enjoy it!

What opportunities are you facing in this financial crisis? Are you offering to make a difference to peoples’ financial state? I want to let you in on a secret – USANA are hiring not firing. We offer a stable business opportunity based on growth. We offer an opportunity to focus on maintaining optimal health at a time when this becomes even more critical. I don’t know about you but in such times of economic crisis, I’m excited to be here with USANA - in the right place at the right time.


Anonymous said...

Here Here! Recently Collette Larsen wrote in her blog about some financial advice on the tv in America:

"The CNN journalist cut to an expert on the economy - a woman with a list of tips and suggestions for keeping your job. Believe it or not, her number one suggestion for making yourself indispensable in your current job was...drum roll, please...kiss up to your boss! I'm not kidding. Honestly, as the columnist Dave Barry would say, I'm not making this up. That really was her number one tip! Wow. Let that advice sink in for a moment. Empowering, isn't it?"

What a powerful wealth building vehicle we have in USANA. Thank God there's other options out there than kissing up to your boss!Thanks for the great reads Gill :-)

Kresant Mahilall said...

Great article Gill.
I want to say keep writing the blog. I really do get inspired to know that not only are we a permier network marketing company but we also use blogs and web 2.0 technology in connecting with people and prospects... it great to see that leadership supports these tools... Good on you ! :-D Kresant Mahilall (Platinum Pacesetter - )