Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Inspired by the Spirit of Others

I watched a great movie last night and felt inspired by the passion in people who set out to do something extraordinary, such as running a marathon. What gives me even greater inspiration is seeing the effect we have on each other daily, as we go about our normal life.

Touching peoples lives is often about leading the way and walking (or running) the talk with passion.

The Reset Challenge has been embraced by many here at USANA corporate. I am thrilled to see the passion of individuals and the effect on team morale. Teams across departments are focused on exercising together and supporting each other in their achievements.

During this time, I loaned a book (about running, of course) to a Reset Challenge team member. She was so inspired by what she read; she has joined a local charitable organisation to do a 2.7km ocean swim in January 2009. On hearing this, another team member tried to join her, but the ocean swim was fully booked. Not letting it go at that, she was placed on a wait list and this week received a call. She too will do a similar ocean swim in February 2009. Both women are excited to be participating and raising money for a worthwhile cause.

Two more staff are now running at lunch time. They started walking the two and half kilometres around the suburb and are now up to running over half of it.

There is something very special at seeing others take up a cause, a challenge, a passion, and an interest. It has given me reason to look within and ask myself, "How am I leading by example? Am I sharing my passion and igniting others? Does it help or hinder peoples lives?"

Something to think about...

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